Steve Barowsky is the director of the Center for Internal Arts. He has studied the internal arts of China extensively for over 40 years. He began Tai Chi with Master Eddie Wu Kwong Yu learning the Wu Style long form and push hands at Wu's Tai Chi Chuan Academy in Toronto, Canada. He is a certified senior instructor in Tai Chi and Chi Gung for Bruce Frantzis, lineage master of Taoist energy arts. Bruce Frantzis is a direct lineage holder from the late Grandmaster Liu Hung Chieh of Beijing. Steve has been studying Wu Style Tai Chi, Yang Style Tai Chi, Chi Gung, Nei Gung, Bagua and Taoist Meditation with Master Bruce Frantzis for over thirty years. Steve was also a long time student of and certified instructor for Master K.C. Mao of Shanghai. K.C. Mao's teachers included Chen Chai Kuei (the son of Chen Fake) in Chen style, Fu Zhong Wen (the nephew of Yang Cheng Fu) in Yang style, Wu Yin Hua (daughter of Wu Chien Chuan) in Wu style and Ma Yueh Liang (son inlaw of Wu Chien Chuan). For the past ten years Steve has been a student of Gerald Sharp learning Wu Style Fast form, Wu sword, Wu saber, Wu spear and Wu Style Chi Gung. Gerald sharp was an indoor student of Master Ma Yueh Liang and Master Wu Ying Hua.
Prior to the past 26 years Steve studied external styles of Kung Fu for many years, was trained in and taught classes in Kundalini yoga. Steve also has a bachelors degree in anthropology and a masters degree in education.

Master Bruce Frantzis with Grandmaster Liu Hung Chieh

Master KC Mao